world rivers on length

Definition of length

There are many factors, such as the source, the identification or the definition of the mouth, and the scale of measurement[1] of the river length between source and mouth, that determine the precise meaning of "river length". As a result, the length measurements of many rivers are only approximations (see also coastline paradox). In particular, there has long been disagreement as to whether the Nile or the Amazon is the world's longest river. The Nile has traditionally been considered longer, but in recent years some Brazilian and Peruvian studies have suggested that the Amazon is longer by measuring the river plus the adjacent Pará estuary and the longest connecting tidal canal.[2][3][4][5]
For the purpose of determining maximum length a river's "true source" is considered to be the source of whichever tributary is farthest from the mouth. This tributary may or may not have the same name as the main stem river.
Furthermore, it is sometimes hard to state exactly where a river begins, especially rivers that are formed by ephemeral streams, swamps, or changing lakes. In this article, lengthmeans the length of the longest continuous river channel in a given river system, regardless of name.
The source of some rivers starting in farming areas can be difficult to determine, if the river is formed by the confluence of several farm field drainage ditches which only contain water after rain. Similarly, in rivers starting in a chalk area, such as the Chilterns in south England, the length of the upper course which is dry varies with how high the water tableis, which varies with the weather.[citation needed]
Even when detailed maps are available, the length measurement is not always clear. A river may have multiple channels, or anabranches. The length may depend on whether the center or the edge of the river is measured. It may not be clear how to measure the length through a lake. Seasonal and annual changes may alter both rivers and lakes. Other factors that can change the length of a river include cycles of erosion and flooding, dams, levees, and channelization. In addition, the length of meanders can change significantly over time due to natural or artificial cutoffs, when a new channel cuts across a narrow strip of land, bypassing a large river bend. For example, due to 18 cutoffs created between 1766 and 1885 the length of the Mississippi River from Cairo, Illinois, to New Orleans, Louisiana, was reduced by 218 miles (351 km).[6]
These points make it difficult, if not impossible, to get an accurate measurement of the length of a river. The varying accuracy and precision also makes it difficult to make length comparisons between different rivers without a degree of uncertainty.

List of rivers longer than 1000 km

One should take the aforementioned discussion into account when using the data in the following table. For most rivers, different sources provide conflicting information on the length of a river system. The information in different sources is between parentheses.
Continent color key
AfricaAsiaAustraliaEuropeNorth AmericaSouth America
RiverLength (km)Length (miles)Drainage area(km²)[citation needed]Average discharge(m³/s)[citation needed]OutflowCountries in the drainage basin[citation needed]
1.Nile – Kagera[n 1]6,650
3,254,5555,100MediterraneanEthiopiaEritreaSudanUgandaTanzania,KenyaRwandaBurundiEgyptDemocratic Republic of the CongoSouth Sudan
2.Amazon – Ucayali – Apurímac[n 1]6,400
7,050,000219,000Atlantic OceanBrazil, PeruBoliviaColombiaEcuador,VenezuelaGuyana
(Chang Jiang)
1,800,00031,900East China SeaChina
4.MississippiMissouriJefferson6,2753,9022,980,00016,200Gulf of MexicoUnited States (98.5%), Canada (1.5%)
5.YeniseiAngaraSelenge5,5393,4452,580,00019,600Kara SeaRussia (97%), Mongolia (2.9%)
6.Yellow River
(Huang He)
5,4643,395745,0002,110Bohai SeaChina
7.ObIrtysh5,4103,3642,990,00012,800Gulf of ObRussia, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia
8.Paraná – Río de la Plata 4,8803,0302,582,67218,000Río de la PlataBrazil (46.7%), Argentina (27.7%), Paraguay(13.5%), Bolivia (8.3%), Uruguay (3.8%)
4,7002,9223,680,00041,800Atlantic OceanDemocratic Republic of the Congo, Central African RepublicAngolaRepublic of the CongoTanzaniaCameroonZambia,BurundiRwanda
(Heilong Jiang)
4,4442,7631,855,00011,400Sea of OkhotskRussia, China, Mongolia
11.Lena4,4002,7362,490,00017,100Laptev SeaRussia
(Lancang Jiang)
4,3502,705810,00016,000South China SeaChina, MyanmarLaosThailandCambodia,Vietnam
13.MackenzieSlavePeaceFinlay4,2412,6371,790,00010,300Beaufort SeaCanada
14.Niger4,2002,6112,090,0009,570Gulf of GuineaNigeria (26.6%), Mali (25.6%), Niger (23.6%),Algeria (7.6%), Guinea (4.5%), Cameroon(4.2%), Burkina Faso (3.9%), Côte d'Ivoire,BeninChad
15.MurrayDarling3,672[9]2,2821,061,000767Southern OceanAustralia
16.TocantinsAraguaia3,6502,270950,00013,598Atlantic Ocean, AmazonBrazil
17.Volga3,6452,2661,380,0008,080Caspian SeaRussia
18.Shatt al-Arab – Euphrates3,5962,236884,000856Persian GulfIraq (60.5%), Turkey (24.8%), Syria (14.7%)
19.MadeiraMamoréGrandeCaineRocha3,3802,1001,485,20031,200AmazonBrazil, Bolivia, Peru
20.Purús3,2111,99563,1668,400AmazonBrazil, Peru
21.Yukon3,1851,980[6]850,0006,210Bering SeaUnited States (59.8%), Canada (40.2%)
22.Indus3,1801,976960,0007,160Arabian SeaPakistan (93%), India, China
23.São Francisco3,180*
610,0003,300Atlantic OceanBrazil
24.Syr Darya – Naryn3,0781,913219,000703Aral SeaKazakhstan, KyrgyzstanUzbekistan,Tajikistan
(Nu Jiang)
3,0601,901324,0003,153[10]Andaman SeaChina (52.4%), Myanmar (43.9%), Thailand (3.7%)
26.Saint Lawrence – Great Lakes3,0581,900[6]1,030,00010,100Gulf of Saint LawrenceCanada (52.1%), United States (47.9%)
27.Rio Grande3,0571,900[6]570,00082Gulf of MexicoUnited States (52.1%), Mexico (47.9%)
28.Lower Tunguska2,9891,857473,0003,600YeniseiRussia
29.BrahmaputraTsangpo2,948*1,832*1,730,00019,200[11]GangesIndia (58.0%), China (19.7%), Nepal (9.0%),Bangladesh (6.6%), Disputed India/China (4.2%), Bhutan (2.4%)

2,888*1,795*817,0007,130Black SeaRomania (28.9%), Hungary (11.7%), Austria (10.3%), Serbia (10.3%), Germany (7.5%),Slovakia (5.8%), Bulgaria (5.2%), Croatia(4.5%),
2,693*1,673*1,330,0004,880Mozambique ChannelZambia (41.6%), Angola (18.4%), Zimbabwe(15.6%), Mozambique (11.8%), Malawi(8.0%), Tanzania (2.0%), NamibiaBotswana

2,620[12]1,628907,00012,037[13]Bay of BengalIndia, Bangladesh, Nepal, China
35.Amu Darya -- Panj2,6201,628534,7391,400Aral SeaUzbekistanTurkmenistanTajikistan,Afghanistan
(Rio Yapurá)
2,615*1,625*242,2596,000AmazonBrazil, Colombia
37.NelsonSaskatchewan2,5701,5971,093,0002,575Hudson BayCanada, United States
(Rio Paraguay)
2,5491,584900,0004,300ParanáBrazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, Argentina
39.Kolyma2,5131,562644,0003,800East Siberian SeaRussia
40.Pilcomayo2,5001,553270,000ParaguayParaguay, Argentina, Bolivia
41.Upper Ob -- Katun2,4901,547ObRussia
42.Ishim2,4501,522177,00056IrtyshKazakhstan, Russia
43.Juruá2,4101,498200,0006,000AmazonPeru, Brazil
44.Ural2,4281,509237,000475Caspian SeaRussia, Kazakhstan
1,066MississippiUnited States
46.Colorado (western U.S.)2,3331,450390,0001,200Gulf of CaliforniaUnited States, Mexico
47.Olenyok2,2921,424219,0001,210Laptev SeaRussia
48.Dnieper2,2871,421516,3001,670Black SeaRussia, BelarusUkraine
50.UbangiUele[14]2,2701,410772,8004,000CongoDemocratic Republic of the CongoCentral African RepublicRepublic of Congo
51.Negro2,2501,398720,11426,700AmazonBrazil, Venezuela, Colombia
52.Columbia2,250 (1,953)1,398 (1,214)415,2117,500Pacific OceanUnited States, Canada
53.Pearl – Zhu Jiang2,2001,376437,00013,600South China SeaChina (98.5%), Vietnam (1.5%)
54.Red (USA)2,1881,36078,592875MississippiUnited States
2,1701,348411,00013,000Andaman SeaMyanmar
56.Kasai2,1531,338880,20010,000CongoAngola, Democratic Republic of the Congo
57.OhioAllegheny2,1021,306490,6037,957MississippiUnited States
58.Orinoco2,1011,3061,380,00033,000Atlantic OceanVenezuela, Colombia, Guyana
59.Tarim2,1001,305557,000Lop NurP. R. China
61.Orange2,0921,300  Atlantic OceanSouth AfricaNamibiaBotswanaLesotho
62.Northern Salado2,0101,249ParanáArgentina
64.Tigris1,9501,212Shatt al-ArabTurkey, IraqSyria
65.Songhua1,9271,197AmurP. R. China
67.Don1,8701,162425,600935Sea of AzovRussia, Ukraine
68.Stony Tunguska1,8651,159240,000YeniseiRussia
69.Pechora1,8091,124322,000Barents SeaRussia
71.Limpopo1,8001,118413,000Indian OceanMozambiqueZimbabweSouth Africa,Botswana
72.Guaporé (Itenez)1,7491,087MamoréBrazil, Bolivia
73.Indigirka1,7261,072360,4001,810East Siberian SeaRussia
74.Snake1,6701,038279,7191,611ColumbiaUnited States
75.Senegal1,6411,020419,659Atlantic OceanGuineaSenegalMaliMauritania
76.Uruguay1,6101,000370,000Atlantic OceanUruguay, Argentina, Brazil
77.Murrumbidgee River1,600994Murray RiverAustralia
77.Blue Nile1,600994326,400NileEthiopiaSudan
77.Churchill1,600994Hudson BayCanada
77.Khatanga1,600994Laptev SeaRussia
77.Okavango1,600994Okavango DeltaNamibiaAngolaBotswana
77.Volta1,600994Gulf of GuineaGhanaBurkina FasoTogoCôte d'Ivoire,Benin
84.Platte1,594990MissouriUnited States
85.Tobol1,591989IrtyshKazakhstan, Russia
86.JubbaShebelle1,580*982*Indian OceanEthiopiaSomalia
87.Içá (Putumayo)1,575979AmazonBrazil, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador
89.Han1,532952YangtzeP. R. China
91.Pecos1,490926Rio GrandeUnited States
92.Upper Yenisei -- Little Yenisei (Kaa-Hem)1,480920YeniseiRussia, Mongolia
93.Godavari1,465910312,8123,061Bay of BengalIndia
94.Colorado (Texas)1,438894Gulf of MexicoUnited States
94.Río Grande (Guapay)1,438894102,600264IchiloBolivia
95.Oder-Warta1,425Baltic SeaPoland, Germany
96.CooperBarcoo1,420880Lake EyreAustralia
99.Dniester1,411 (1,352)877 (840)Black SeaUkraineMoldova
1,400870Lake BalkhashP. R. China, Kazakhstan
100.WarburtonGeorgina1,400870Lake EyreAustralia
103.Sutlej1,372852ChenabChina, India, Pakistan
106.Fraser1,368850220,0003,475Pacific OceanCanada
107.Mtkvari (Kura)1,364848Caspian SeaAzerbaijanGeorgiaArmenia, Turkey, Iran
109.Brazos1,352840Gulf of MexicoUnited States
111.Liao1,345836Bohai SeaP. R. China
112.Yalong1,323822YangtzeP. R. China
113.Iguaçu1,320820ParanáBrazil, Argentina
115.Northern Dvina – Sukhona1,302809357,0523,332White SeaRussia
116.Krishna1,300808Bay of BengalIndia
117.Narmada1,289801Arabian SeaIndia
118.Lomami[15]1,280795CongoDemocratic Republic of the Congo
119.Ottawa1,271790146,3001,950Saint LawrenceCanada
120.Lerma - Rio Grande de Santiago1,270789119,543PacificMexico
121.ElbeVltava1,252778148,268711North SeaGermany, Czech Republic
124.Upper Mississippi1,236768MississippiUnited States
125.Rhine1,233768198,7352,330North SeaGermany, France, Switzerland, Netherlands, Austria, Liechtenstein, Italy (minimal), Belgium, Luxembourg
127.Canadian1,223760ArkansasUnited States
128.North Saskatchewan1,220758SaskatchewanCanada
129.Vaal1,210752OrangeSouth Africa
1,190739SonghuaP. R. China
132.Kızıl River1,182734115,000400Black SeaTurkey
133.Green1,175730Colorado(western U.S.)United States
134.Milk1,173729MissouriUnited States, Canada
136.Sankuru1,150715KasaiDemocratic Republic of the Congo
136.Wu1,15071580,3001,108Yangtze RiverChina
137.Red (Asia)1,149714143,7002,640Gulf of TonkinChina, Vietnam
138.James (Dakotas)1,143710MissouriUnited States
138.Kapuas1,143710South China SeaIndonesia
140.Desna1,13070288,900360DnieperRussia, BelarusUkraine
140.Madre de Dios1,130702125,0004,915BeniPeru, Bolivia
140.Vychegda1,130702Northern DvinaRussia
145.Sepik1,12670077,700Pacific OceanPapua New GuineaIndonesia
146.Cimarron1,123698ArkansasUnited States
147.Anadyr1,120696Gulf of AnadyrRussia
147.Paraíba do Sul1,120696Atlantic OceanBrazil
149.Jialing River1,119695YangtzeP. R. China
151.Cumberland1,10568746,830862MississippiUnited States
152.White1,102685MississippiUnited States
153.Kwango1,100684263,5002,700KasaiAngola, Democratic Republic of the Congo
156.Gambia1,094680AtlanticThe GambiaSenegalGuinea
157.Chenab1,086675IndusIndia, Pakistan
158.Yellowstone1,080671114,260MissouriUnited States
158.Ghaghara1,080671127,9502,990GangesIndia, Nepal, China
160.Huai River1,078670270,0001,110Yangtze RiverChina
161.Aras1,072665102,000285KuraTurkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran
162.Chu River1,06766362,500noneKyrgyzstanKazakhstan
163.Seversky Donets1,078 (1,053)670 (654)DonRussia, Ukraine
164.Bermejo1,050652ParaguayArgentina, Bolivia
164.Fly1,050652Gulf of PapuaPapua New GuineaIndonesia
164.Kuskokwim1,050652Bering SeaUnited States
168.Tennessee1,049652OhioUnited States
169.Vistula1,047630194,4241,080Baltic SeaPoland
170.Aruwimi[15]1,030640Congo RiverDemocratic Republic of the Congo
171.Daugava1,02063487,900678Gulf of RigaLatviaBelarus, Russia
172.Gila1,015631Colorado(western U.S.)United States
173.Loire1,012629115,271840Atlantic OceanFrance
174.Essequibo1,010628Atlantic OceanGuyana
1,00662580,100Atlantic OceanSpain, Portugal


  • When the length of a river is followed by an asterisk, it is an average of multiple information sources. If the difference in lengths between given information sources is significant, all lengths are listed. But if the lengths from secondary information sources are similar, they are averaged and that figure has an asterisk.
  • Scientists debate whether the Amazon or the Nile is the longest river in the world. Traditionally, the Nile is considered longer, but recent information suggests that the Amazon may be longer. Differences in the recorded length of the Amazon mainly depend on whether or not it is valid to take a course south of the Ilha de Marajó at the Amazon's mouth. New evidence, (dated 16 June 2007) obtained from a high-altitude scientific venture in the Andes, claims that "the Amazon is longer than the Nile by 100km, with its longest headwater being the Carhuasanta stream originating in the south of Peru on the Nevado Mismi mountain's northern slopes and flowing into the Río Apurímac".[16]However, the origin of the river at Nevado Mismi had already been known more than one decade earlier (see Jacek Palkiewicz), and satellite based measuring from this origin to the Amazon mouth has resulted in not more than 6,400 km.
  • Generally, the most commonly used/anglicised name of the river is used. The name in a native language or alternate spelling may be shown.
The Mississippi River just north of St. Louis.
Saint Lawrence River along the New York-Quebec border.

River systems that may have existed in the past


The Amazon basin formerly drained westwards into the Pacific Ocean, until the Andes rose and reversed the drainage.[17]
The Congo basin is completely surrounded by high land, except for its long narrow exit valley past Kinshasa, including waterfalls around Manyanga. That gives the impression that most of the Congo basin was formerly on a much higher land level and that it was rejuvenated by much of its lower course being removed. Before Gondwanaland broke up due tocontinental drift, the Congo would likely have flowed into the Amazon.[citation needed]

West Siberian Glacial Lake drainage

This river would have been about 10,000 km (6,200 mi) long, in the last Ice Age. Its longest headwater was the Selenga river of Mongolia: it drained through ice-dammed lakes and the Aral Sea and the Caspian Sea to the Black Sea.

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