Rare species

Rare species

A rare species is a group of organisms that are very uncommon, scarce, or infrequently encountered. This designation may be applied to either a plant or animal taxon, and may be distinct from the term endangered or threatened species. Designation of a rare species may be made by an official body, such as a national government, state, or province. However, the term more commonly appears without reference to specific criteria. The IUCN does not normally make such designations, but may use the term in scientific discussion.[1]
Rarity rests on a specific species being represented by a small number of organisms worldwide, usually fewer than 10,000. However, a species having a very narrow endemicrange or fragmented habitat also influences the concept.[2] Rare species are not uncommon, since nearly 75% of known species are rare.[3]
A species may be endangered or vulnerable, but not considered rare if—for example—it has a large, dispersed population, but its numbers are declining rapidly or predicted to do so. Rare species are generally considered threatened because a small population size is more likely to not recover from stochastic events (things that could happen.
″Rare Species″ are the species with small population
 many move into the endangered or vulnerable category if the negative factors affecting them continue to operate. The examples of Rare Species are the Himalayan Brown Dear, Desert fox, Wild Asiatic Buffalo and Hornbill etc.

Common NameBinomial/Trinomial NameConservation StatusPopulationGlobal Range
Giant pandaAiluropoda melanoleucaEndangered1,000 to 3,000China
Wild Bactrian camelCamelus ferusCritically Endangered950Kazakhstan/Northwest China/Southern Mongolia
CheetahAcinonyx jubatusVulnerable7,000 to 10,000Africa/Southwestern Asia
California condorGymnogyps californianusCritically Endangered130 approx.West North America
Alagoas curassowMitu mituExtinct in the Wild130 (in captivity)North East Brazil
Black softshell turtleNilssonia nigricansExtinct in the Wild150 to 300 (in captivity)Hazrat Sultan Bayazid Bastami shrine at Chittagong

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