This document is an attempt to bring various published sources together to present a timeline about World History. This is a VERY rough timeline of the events of world history. The main source is a "today in history" that I have had since the 1980s, with updates through the 1990s. I offer chronologies on topics like personal computers, gambling, space exploration, and extreme weather. Some topics are covered in too much detail, many others not enough. I am currently doing some proper research and adding detail
2023 million BCE
- An impact crater approximately 300km in diameter is created in modern-day Vredefort, South Africa. [523.185]
1850 million BCE
- An impact crater approximately 200km in diameter is created in modern-day Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. [523.185]
600 million BCE
- An impact crater approximately 60km in diameter is created in modern-day Beaverhead, Montana, USA. [523.185]
580 million BCE
- An impact crater approximately 85-90km in diameter is created in modern-day Acraman, South Australia. [523.185]
400 million BCE
- An asteroid impacts the Earth in modern-day central Ukraine, leaving create approximater 4 miles in diameter, 2000 feet deep. [1005.64]
368 million BCE
- An impact crater approximately 55km in diameter is created in modern-day Siljan Ring, Sweden. [523.185]
360 million BCE
- An impact crater approximately 54km in diameter is created in modern-day Charlevoix, Quebec, Canada. [523.185]
247 million BCE
- An impact crater approximately 40km in diameter is created in modern-day Araguainha, Brazil. [523.185]
220 million BCE
- An impact crater approximately 40km in diameter is created in modern-day Saint Martin, Manitoba, Canada. [523.185]
214 million BCE
- An impact crater approximately 100km in diameter is created in modern-day Manicougan, Quebec, Canada. [523.185]
175 million BCE
- An impact crater approximately 80km in diameter is created in modern-day Puchezh-Katunki, Russia. [523.185]
145 million BCE
- An impact crater approximately 70km in diameter is created in modern-day Morokwena, South Africa. [523.185]
144 million BCE
- An impact crater approximately 40km in diameter is created in modern-day Mjølnir, Norway. [523.185]
128 million BCE
- An impact crater approximately 55km in diameter is created in modern-day Tookoonooka, Queensland, Australia. [523.185]
65 million BCE
- A comet or asteroid with estimated diameter 10-12km impacts the Earth at 20-60km per second in what is now Chicxulub in the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico, creating a crater of about 180-300km diameter and 30-50km deep. The crater location is discovered in the late 1970s, and is suspected to have had a role in the demise of dinosaurs. [523.178,185] [526.208]
57 million BCE
- An impact crater approximately 65km in diameter is created in modern-day Kara, Russia. [523.185]
50 million BCE
- An impact crater approximately 45km in diameter is created in modern-day Montagnais, Nova Scotia, Canada. [523.185]
35 million BCE
- An asteroid about 7-10km in diameter impacts the Earth in modern-day Popigai, Siberia, Russia, leaving an impact crater 80-100km in diameter, 10km deep. [523.185] [526.xviii,165]
35 million BCE
- A space object hits the Earth, creating the "Toms Canyon" crater in modern-day New Jersey, USA. [526.172]
34 million BCE
- A space object impacts Earth creating a 85km diameter, 1.6km deep crater in modern-day Chesapeake Bay crater in Virginia, USA. [523.178,184] [526.172]
15 million BCE
- A space object impacts at modern-day Nördlinger Ries in Germany. [523.178]
5 million BCE
- An impact crater approximately 45km in diameter is created in modern-day Kara-Kul, Tajikistan. [523.185]
1.3 million BCE
- A space object impacts Earth creating modern-day Lake Bosumtwi Crater in Ghana. [523.178]
768,000 BCE
- An asteroid or comet impacts Earth in modern-day Indo-China. [523.178]
300,000 BCE
- An iron meteorite impacts modern-day Kimberley in north Western Australia (Wolfe Creek Crater). [523.39,172]
48,000 BCE
- A 50,000 ton iron meteorite hits Earth at modern-day Arizona, USA, leaving crater 1.2km wide, 180m deep, Earth's largest impact crater with associated meteorite fragments. [523.23,172] (28,000 BCE [1005.64])
10,700 BCE
- Atlantis is deluged by water, possibly from tsunamis caused by oceanic impact of a disintegrating comet or large asteroid, as reported by Plato (either historic or mythic). The location is possibly North and South America, resulting in extinction of about 30 species of large mammals. The great deluge may also be the source of the legends of the biblical Noah's Flood. Dated to this same period are remains of millions of animals in hundreds of miles of frozen tundra found in Alaska and Russia, and massive piles of mastodon and saber-toothed tiger bones in Florida, and various animals found quick-frozen Venezuela. Some 500,000 shallow basins from Georgia to Delaware in the USA also date to this period, suggesting a vast meteor shower of a disintegrating giant comet. Human deaths are estimated at multiple millions. [521]
9000 BCE
- Woolly mammoths cease to live on Earth. [521]
7500 BCE
- Ice age of Earth ends. [521]
September 1, 5598 BCE
- Commencement of Grecian Mundane era. [1027.7]
September 1, 5508 BCE
- Commencement of civil era of Constantinople. [1027.7]
August 29, 5502 BCE
- Commencement of Alexandrian era. [1027.7]
September 1, 5492 BCE
- Commencement of ecclesiastic era of Antioch. [1027.7]
January 1, 4713 BCE
- Commencement of Julian period. [1027.7]
October, 4008 BCE
- Commencement of Mundane era. [1027.7]
October, 3761 BCE
- Commencement of Jewish Mundane era. [1027.7]
3195 BCE
- Postulated date of bombardment of Earth by large meteoroids, fireballs, and resulting atmospheric dust-veil as evidenced as cold period in narrow tree rings, and other world events at the time. Human fatalities unknown, but likely enormous. [521]
June 29, 3123 BCE
- In the Otz Valley (modern-day Germany), a mile-long asteroid destroys city of Sodom, and thousands of deaths, among the devastation of over one million square kilometres (386,000 square miles), according to computer modelling and interpretations of a 700 BCE clay tablet (the Planisphere) copy of a Sumerian astrologer's account. [521]
August 13, 3114 BCE
- The Mayan calendar begins. [5]
3000 BCE (approximate)
- Egyptian pyramid of Cheops at Gizeh near Cairo includes a tablet recording mythical explanation of extra five days added to Egyptian calendar of 360 days. Thoth, god of night, gambled with the moon, winning five new days to add to the calendar, outside the jurisdiction of Ra, the god of creation. [80.30]
3000 BCE (approximate)
- A iron meteorite creates craters in modern-day Northern Territory of Australia, possibly witnessed by Aborigines. [523.172]
2345 BCE (approximate)
- Suspected date of a fireball bombardment in Levant area of modern-day Tell Leilan in northern Syria, as evidenced by tree-ring chronologies and microscopic glass spherules. [521]
2300 BCE (approximate)
- Emperor Yao of China invents an elaborate game with hundreds of pieces, in which spectators bet on the outcome played by two opponents. [80.31]
2300 BCE (approximate)
- In Southern Iraq, a meteor strikes leaving a 2-mile wide circular crater. [521]
October 1, 2015 BCE
- Commencement of the era of Abraham. [1027.7]
June 16, 1686 BCE
- Hammurabi the Great dies in Babylon. [1]
1628 BCE (approximate)
- Mount Thera volcano erupts, possibly in connection with a meteoric impact with global disruptions of weather. [521]
About 1500 BCE
- In India, betting herds of cattle on chariot racing and dice games are the chief amusements of the people. [80.33]
1500 BCE
- In Egypt, the first known public exhibition of horse racing takes place. [806.184]
May 15, 1479 BCE
- Pharaoh Thutmose III defeats the King of Kadesh at the Battle of Megiddo. [118.9]
1478 BCE
- A "thunderstone" falls to Earth in Crete, as described by Malchus in the Chronicle of Paros. [521]
July 19, 1321 BCE
- Origin of Era of Menophres. [1]
June 11, 1184 BCE
- Greeks finally capture Troy, sacking and burning it. [1] [5]
1159 BCE
- A series of meteoric impacts of overhead explosions in the Eastern Mediterranean region may explain the collapse of the Shang and Mycenean cultures, the destruction of many major sites, and the transition from the Late Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age. [521]
900 BCE (approximate)
- Chi-mo state of ancient China creates first government issued coin, in form of bronze miniature knife called a tao. [580.28]
June 4, 780 BCE
- First total solar eclipse reliably recorded by Chinese. [1]
July 1, 776 BCE
- Commencement of the era of the Olympiads. [1027.7]
June 15, 763 BCE
- Assyrians record total solar eclipse event on clay tablet. [1]
April 21, 753 BCE
- Traditional date of the foundation of Rome. [1] [129] [342.10] (April 24 [1027.7])
February 26, 747 BCE
- Origin of Era of Nabonassar. [1] [697.139] [1027.7]
March 19, 721 BCE
- First recorded lunar eclipse, seen in Babylon. [1]
April 22, 687 BCE
- Chinese record a meteor shower in Lyra. [1]
February 11, 660 BCE
- Traditional founding of Japan by Emperor Jimmu Tenno. [1]
About 650 BCE
- First coins are struck by mallett on die, in the kingdom of Lydia in the western part of Asia Minor (western Turkey). [474.166] [583.22] [594.50] [1037.1934]
April 6, 648 BCE
- Earliest documented total solar eclipse; chronicled by Greeks. [1]
May 28, 585 BCE
- Thales Miletus predicts solar eclipse; Persian-Lydian battle ends. [1]
October 29, 539 BCE
- Babylon falls to Cyrus the Great of Persia. [1]
September 2, 490 BCE
- Phidippides runs first marathon, seeking aid from Sparta versus Persia. [1]
September 12, 490 BCE
- Athenians defeat second Persian invasion of Greece at Marathon. [1]
August 9, 480 BCE
- Persia defeats Spartan king Leonidas at Thermopylae. [1]
472 BCE
- A great fall of black dust is reported in Constantinople, which may have been the result of a high-altitude meteor airburst. [521]
460 BCE (approximately)
- Persians begin using human portraits on coins. [388.94]
July 13, 432 BCE
- Origin of Metonic Cycle. [1] (July 15 [1027.7])
431 BCE
- Start of Peloponnesian War between Greek city states of Athens and Sparts, lasting 27 years. (date established by Paulus Crusius in 1578) [697.99]
February 15, 399 BCE
- The philosopher Socrates is sentenced to death. [1] [5]
July 18, 390 BCE
- Battle of Allia - Gauls inflict heavy casualties on Romans. [1]
May 334 BCE
- First major victory of Alexander, over the Persians. [192.74]
332 BCE
- Alexander the Great breaches the walls of Tyre, destroys much of the city, kills 8000 people, and sells 30,000 into slavery. [343.10]
October 1, 331 BCE
- Alexander the Great of Macedon defeats Persian army at Gaugamela. [1]
June 13, 323 BCE
- Alexander the Great dies of fever after a feast in Babylon, age 32. [1] [697.139] (May 18 [1]) (June 10 [5] [192.71]) (June 11 [5])
October 2, 322 BCE
- Aristotle dies of indigestion. [1] (March 7 [5])
September 1, 312 BCE
- Origin of Greek Era - Start of Indiction of Constantinople. [1] [1027.7]
April 3, 309 BCE
- Origin of Seleucid Era. [1]
305 BCE
- Ptolomy proclaims himself king of Egypt, and begins custom of placing his own portrait on his coins. [1035.1578]
About 269 BCE
- First coins struck in Rome, of copper. [501.144]
April 3, 245 BCE
- Origin of Era of Arsaces. [1]
March 10, 241 BCE
- Battle of Aegusa: Roman fleet sinks 50 Carthagean ships. [1]
June 19, 240 BCE
- Eratosthenes estimates circumference of Earth. [1]
March 30, 239 BCE
- First recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet. [1]
June 5, 221 BCE
- Chu Yuan, China's poet, drowns. [1]
207 BCE (approximate)
- A 1.1km comet impacts southeastern Bavaria (modern day Germany), probably breaking up 70km above the Earth's surface, creating a field of meteorites and impact craters. At about the same time Roman authors write about showers of stones falling from the skies, terrifying the populace. [521]
186 BCE
- Rome outlaws the cult of Dionysus. [1118.33]
November 24, 166 BCE
- Origin of Era of Maccabees. [1] [1027.7]
125 BCE (approximate)
- First coins struck in England, Belgic gold and silver coins, by immigrants from Gaul (France), copying designs of Macedonia. [623.42]
October 19, 125 BCE
- Origin of Era of Tyre. [1] [1027.7]
October 1, 110 BCE
- Origin of Sidonian Era. [1] [1027.7]
73 BCE
- Great gladitor and slave revolt begins in Rome, led by Spartacus of Thrace. [1118.34]
February 22, 57 BCE
- Origin of Vikrama Samvat Era (India). [1]
August 26, 55 BCE
- Roman forces under Julius Caesar invade Britain. [1] [832.3]
June 9, 53 BCE
- Parthians defeat Romans at Battle of Carrhae, killing general Marcus Licinius Crassus. [118.9]
January 10, 49 BCE
- Julius Cesar crosses the Rubicon, invades Italy. [1]
September 1, 48 BCE
- Commencement of Caesarian Era of Antioch. [1027.7]
January 1, 45 BCE
- Origin of Julian Era; Julian calendar begins. [1] [1027.7] (47 BCE [983.22])
February 5, 45 BCE
- Cato, Roman patriot and philosopher, commits suicide. [1]
March 15, 44 BCE
- Gaius Julius Caesar is assassinated by Roman Senate in the Portico of the Theater of Pompey. [1] [325.10] [408.113]
44 BCE (approximate)
- A daylight comet passing close to the Earth creates a dust veil over Italy, possibly from large fragment impacts. [521]
December 7, 43 BCE
- Marcus Tullius Cicero, Roman writer, gets his head and right hand chopped off by Mark Antony's soldiers. [1] [5]
January 1, 38 BCE
- Origin of Era of Spain (Cesars). [1] [1027.7]
36 BC
- Armies of Marc Antony and Octavian battle at Actium, with Octavian defeating Antony. [1071.156]
December 7, 36 BCE
- Earliest known Mayan inscription, Stela 2 at Chiapa de Corzo. [1]
August 30, 31 BCE
- Origin of Era of Augustus. [1]
September 2, 31 BCE
- Battle of Actium; Octavian defeats Antony, becomes Emperor Augustus. [1]
January 1, 30 BCE
- Origin of Actian Era. [1] [1027.7]
August 12, 30 BCE
- Cleopatra, seventh and most famous queen of Egypt, commits suicide. [1] [5]
February 14, 27 BCE
- Commencement of Augustan era. [1027.7]
August 27, 26 BCE
- Origin of Egyptian Era. [1]
August 19, 14 BCE
- Octavian [Augustus], Roman general, dies at age 48. [1]
May 22, 12 BCE
- A daytime meteor shower, possibly Zeta Perseid observed in China. [1]
November 27, 8 BCE
- Horace, Latin poet and satirist, dies. [1] [5]
January 1, 1 BCE
- Origin of Era of Pisa. [1]
March 1, 1 BCE
- Start of revised Julian calendar in Rome. [1]
- January 1
- Commencement of Vulgar Christian era. [1027.7]
- January 2
- Publius Ovidius Naso Roman poet, dies. [1]
- August 29
- John the Baptist beheaded (Note: Actual date is questionable). [1]
- April 7
- Jesus Christ crucified by Roman troops in Jerusalem (scholars' estimate, according to astronomer Schaefer). [1] (April 3, 33, according to astronomer Humphreys and Waddington [1]) (April 23, 34, according to Isaac Newton [1])
- March 16
- Tiberius Claudius Nero, emperor of Rome (14-37), dies at age 77. [1]
- January 24
- Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus (Caligula), Roman emperor (37-41), assassinated at age 28. [1]
- October 13
- Claudius, Roman Emperor, dies. [1]
- Prince L Rwagasore of Burundi, murdered; Hero of the Nation Day. [1]
- July 18
- Great Fire of Rome begins. [1]
- January 26
- Fifth recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet. [1]
- June 9
- Nero, Roman Emperor, commits suicide. [1]
- January 1
- Roman garrison of Mainz uprising. [1]
- January 2
- Roman Lower Rhine army proclaims its commander, Aulus Vitellius, emperor. [1] [354.11]
- January 10
- Roman emperor Galba adopts Marcus Piso Licinianus as Cæsar. [1]
- January 15
- Servius Sulpicius Galba, 6th emperor of Rome (68-69), killed by Praetorian guard in the Forum Rome, at age 70. Lucius Calpurnius Piso is also murdered at the Forum. [1] [354.11]
- April 15
- Battle at Bedriacum, North-Italy; Aulus Vitellius defeated. [1] [354.11]
- April 17
- Roman emperor Marcus Salvius Otto commits suicide. [354.11]
- June 29
- July 1
- Roman general Titus Flavius Vespasianus is proclaimed emperor. [354.11]
- September 1
- Traditional date of the destruction of Jerusalem. [1] [1027.7]
- December 20
- Aulus Vitellius Roman, commandant of Rhine and seventh emperor of Rome, murdered. [1]
- General Vespasianus occupies Rome. [1]
- May 31
- Rome captures first wall of the city of Jerusalem. [1]
- March 3
- Origin of Saka Era (India). [1]
- June 24
- Death of Roman emperor Titus Flavius Vespasianus. [354.11]
- August 24
- Mount Vesuvius erupts, burying the cities of Pompeii, Herculaneum and Stabiae in volcanic ash. [1] [5]
- Pliny the Elder dies. [5]
- November 1
- Pompei buried by Mount Vesuvius. [1]
- January 1
- Governor Lucius Antonius Saturninus of Germany becomes emperor of Rome. [1]
- January 27
- Marius Cocceius Nerva, Emperor of Rome (96-98), dies at about age 67. [1]
- (approximate date) Rome strikes coins commemorating Emperor Hadrian's visit to Britain depicting "Britannia" as the goddess of the island of Britain for the first time. [589.184]
- September 13
- Building begins on Hadrian's Wall. [1]
- March 20
- Sixth predicted perihelion passage of Halley's Comet. [1]
- May 21
- Earliest known date in America - pre Mayan king Harvest - Bergvorst installed. [1]
- February 23
- Polycarp, disciple of Apostle John, arrested and burned at stake. [1]
- March 7
- Antoninus Pius [Titus Aurelius], emperor of Rome (138-161), dies at age 74. [1]
- March 17
- Antonius Marcus Aurelius [Marcus Verus], Emperor of Rome, dies at age 58. [1]
- December 7
- Emperor Lo-Yang, China sees supernova (MSH15-52?). [1]
- December 31
- Lucius Aurelius Commodus, Emperor of Rome (180-192), is murdered in a palace coup at age 31. [1] [913.158]
- March 28
- Publius Helvius Pertinax, Roman Emperor (192-93), assassinated. [1]
- Rule of Emperor Didianus Julianus of Rome begins. [392.22]
- April 14
- Lucius Septimus Severus crowned emperor of Rome. [1]
- June 1
- (or June 2) Rule of Emperor Didianus Julianus of Rome ends. [392.22]
- February 19
- D Clodius Septimus Albinus, Roman bequest in England, dies in battle. [1]
- Lucius Septimius Severus' army beats Clodius Albinus at Lyon. [1]
- February 4
- Lucius Septimus Severus, emperor of Rome (193-211), dies at age 64. [1]
- April 8
- Caracalla [Marcus Aurelius Antoniius], Roman emperor (198-217), murdered at age 29. [1]
- May 17
- Seventh recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet. [1]
- March 11
- Varius A Bassianus, Syrian emperor of Rome (218-222), murdered at age 18?. [1]
- July 21
- Saint Pontianus begins his reign as Catholic Pope. [1]
- March 18
- Marcus Aurelius Alexander, Syrian emperor of Rome (222-235), murdered. [1] [1107.525]
- September 29
- Saint Pontianus ends his reign as Catholic Pope. [1]
- November 21
- Saint Anterus begins his reign as Catholic Pope. [1]
- January 3
- Saint Anterus ends his reign as Catholic Pope. [1]
- January 10
- Saint Fabian begins his reign as Catholic Pope. [1]
- May 10
- Gaius Julius Verus Maximinus the Thracian, Roman Emperor, murdered. [1]
- January 20
- Saint Fabian dies, ending his reign as Catholic Pope (236-50). [1]
- June 25
- Saint Lucius I begins his reign as Catholic Pope. [1]
- March 5
- Saint Lucius I dies, ending his reign as Catholic Pope. [1]
- May 12
- Saint Stephan I replaces Lucius I as Catholic Pope. [1]
- August 2
- Saint Stephen I ends his reign as Catholic Pope. [1]
- August 30
- Saint Sixtus II begins his reign as Catholic Pope. [1]
- August 6
- Saint Sixtus II ends his reign as Catholic Pope. [1]
- July 22
- Saint Dionysius begins his reign as Catholic Pope. [1]
- December 26
- Saint Dionysius dies, ending his reign as Catholic Pope. [1]
- January 3
- Saint Felix I begins his reign as Catholic Pope. [1]
- December 30
- Saint Felix I dies, ending his reign as Catholic Pope. [1]
- January 4
- Saint Eutychian begins his reign as Catholic Pope. [1]
- December 7
- Saint Eutychian ends his reign as Catholic Pope. [1]
- December 17
- Saint Gaius begins his reign as Catholic Pope. [1]
- August 29
- Origin of Era of Diocletian (Martyrs). [1] (September 17 [1027.7])
- March 1
- Roman emperor Maximianus introduces tetrarchy. [1]
- April 20
- Eighth recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet. [1]
- November 12
- Origin of Era of Ascension. [1] [1027.7]
- April 22
- Saint Gaius ends his reign as Catholic Pope. [1]
- June 30
- Saint Marcellinus begins his reign as Catholic Pope. [1]
- September 3
- San Marino is founded by Saint Marinus. [5]