world histroy in chronologiclal order 5


March 12
  • Odo of Lagery elected as Pope Urban II, replacing Victor III. [1]
(month unknown)
  • (approximate date) A meteorite falls in North America (modern day Alberta, Canada), shattering into dozens of pieces (74+ found), leaving a small crater 36 metres wide and 6 metres deep. [521]
August 20
  • Hungary is founded by Saint Stephen. [5]
October 9
  • Leif Ericson becomes the first known European to walk in North America (lands in L'Anse aux Meadows, Canada). [1] [5]
December 25
  • Monarch István crowned king of Hungary. [1]


January 23
  • Death of Otto III, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire at age 21 in Viterbo, Italy (born in Germany in 980). King of the Germans 983+, crowned Holy Roman Emperor 996. [1] [37]
November 13
  • English king Ethelred II launches massacre of Danish settlers. [1]


May 12
  • Gerbert French scholar, dies in Rome. [1]
  • Sylvester II [Gerbert van Aurillac], first Fren Pope (999-1003), dies. [1]


May 14
  • Henry II the Saint crowned as king of Italy. [1]
May 15
  • Henry II the Saint crowned king of Italy. [1]


April 30
  • Brightest supernova in recorded history is observed. [1]
May 1
  • Supernova observed by Chinese and Egyptians in constellation Lupus. [1]


April 10
  • Notger bishop of Luik (972-1008), dies. [1]


March 9
  • Death of St. Bruno von Querfurt (970 - 1009); missionary to Poland. [37]


May 3
  • Ansfried 9th bishop of Utrecht (995-1010)/saint, dies at about age 69. [1]


February 23
  • Death of St. Willigis von Mainz; chancellor of Germany under emperor Otto I, Archbishop of Mainz. [37]


May 12
  • Sergius IV [Pietro Crescentii], Italian Pope (1009-12), dies. [1]


February 14
  • Pope Benedict VIII crowns Henry II, Roman German emperor. [1]
April 23
  • Brian Boru king of Ireland, dies in battle at age 87. [1]
  • King Brian Boru of Ireland beats Danes at Battle of Clontarf. [1]
  • Sweyn Forkbeard Viking king of England (1013-14), dies. [1]


April 23
  • Aethelbred II "the Unready" king of England (979-1016), dies. [1]
October 18
  • Danes defeat Saxons at Battle of Assandun (Ashingdon). [1]
November 30
  • Edmund II Ironsides, King of the Saxons (1016), dies at age 27. [1]


December 1
  • Death of Dietmar in Merseburg, Germany; chronicler of information. [37]


March 16
  • Death of St. Heribert von Köln; Archbishop of Cologne. [37]


April 3
  • The Sung Dynasty of China first prints paper money in Szechwan, due to a shortage of copper for coinage. [453.74]
April 9
  • Benedict VIII [Theophylactus van Tusculum] Pope (1012-24), dies. [1]
July 13
  • Death of St. Heinrich II; Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, Duke (Herzog) of Bavaria, King of Germany. [37]


December 15
  • Basilius II the Bulgarendoder, Byzantine emperor (976-1025), dies. [1]


March 23
  • Koenraad II crowns himself king of Italy. [1]


March 26
  • John XIX crowns Conrad II the Salier Roman German emperor. [1]
May 14
  • Robert II, the Vrome, names son Henry I, king of France. [1]


April 14
  • German emperor Conrad II the Sailor crowns his son Henry III, king. [1]
May 5
  • Alfonso V King of León/Galicia (999-1028), dies in battle. [1]


April 30
  • Mohammud van Ghazna Turkish mayor (G'widen)/Islamic ruler, dies. [1]
July 29
  • King Olav Haraldsson of Norway, dies in battle of Stiklestad. [1]


February 2
  • Koenraad II succeeds Rudolf III as king of Bourgundy. [1]
  • Rudolf III last independent king of Bourgundy, dies. [1]


March 15
  • Mieszko II King of Poland (1025-34), dies. [1]
April 11
  • Romanus III Argyrus Byzantine emperor (1028-34), assasinated by wife. [1]


May 30
  • Boudouin IV count of Flanders (988-1035), dies. [1]
  • Boudouin V van Rijsel becomes earl of Flanders. [1]
November 12
  • Canute "The Great" King of the Danes (1016-1035), dies at age 41. [1]


May 28
  • German emperor Koenraad II removes "Constitutio the Feudis". [1]


January 9
  • In Shensi, China, a magnitude 7.4 earthquake occurs, resulting in 23,000 deaths. [53]


May 27
  • Dirk III Hierosolymita Count of Holland, dies. [1]


March 7
  • Harold I King of England (1035-40), dies. [1]
March 17
  • Harold British King (1035-40), dies. [1]
May 21
  • King Henry III gives Utrecht the Groninger currency. [1]


December 10
  • Michael IV Paphlagonicus, emperor of Byzantine, dies. [1]


February 15
  • Gisela wife of Roman Catholic-German emperor Conrad II the Salier, dies at age 52. [1]
April 3
  • Edward the Confessor crowned king of England. [1]


April 19
  • Gothelo duke of Netherlands-Lotharingen, dies. [1]


January 20
  • Giovanni di Sabina elected Pope Sylvester III. [1]


December 20
  • German king Heinrich III arrives in Rome. He deposes three Pope claimants: Gregory VI, Benedictus IX, and Silvester III. [1] [37]
December 25
  • German king Heinrich III installs Suidiger, bishop of Bamberg, as Pope Clement II. [1] [37]


October 9
  • Death of Suidiger (Pope Clement II), the second German pope; most noted for his efforts to eliminate the buying and selling of church offices; he convoked the council of Rome; only pope to be buried in Germany. [37]


May 1
  • Bishop Bernold flees Saint Pieterskerk for Utrecht Netherlands. [1]
August 9
  • Death of Pope Damasus II, the third German pope, of malaria. [37]
December 13
  • Al-Biruni Arabic royal astrologer, dies at age 74. [1]
December 25
  • Parliament of Worms: Emperor Henry III names his cousin count Bruno van Egisheim/Dagsburg as Pope Leo IX. [1]


January 12
  • Abu Sa'id ibn Aboa al-Chair Persian mystic, dies at age 81. [1]
January 13
  • Derrick IV Count of Holland (1039-49), dies in battle. [1]
February 12
  • Bruno count of Egesheim and Dagsburg crowned Pope Leo IX. [1]


May 17
  • Guido van Arezzo Italian music theorist, dies. [1]
July 19
  • The Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland (Central Council of Jews in Germany) is founded in Frankfurt am Main. [37]


June 10
  • Death of St. Bardo in Paderborn (Germany); Benedictine monk, abbot, Archbishop of Mainz (1031), constructed Cathedral of Mainz. [37]


February 20
  • Yaroslav I the Wise, ruler (Kiev), dies. [1]
March 12
  • Pope Leo IX escapes captivity and returns to Rome. [1]
April 19
  • Leo IX [Bruno von Egesheim und Dagsburg] Pope (1049-54), dies at age 51. [1]
July 4
  • The Chinese, the Arabs and possibly Amerindians observe a bright supernova, the remnants of which form the Crab Nebula. [1] [5] [523.125]
September 24
  • Death of Hermann von Reichenau in Reichenau (Germany); chronicler of information in his age. [37]


January 11
  • Constantine IX Monomachos emperor of Byzantium, dies. [1]
April 13
  • Bishop Gebhard van Eichstätt named Pope Victor II. [1]
December 19
  • Seldjuken under Toghril Beg occupy Baghdad. [1]


April 22
  • Supernova Crab nebula last seen by the naked eye. [1]


August 15
  • Macbeth, King of Scotland, slain by son of King Duncan. [1]
August 31
  • Leofric husband of Lady Godiva, dies. [1]


March 29
  • Stephen IX [Frederik van Lotharingen], first Belgian Pope (1057-58), dies. [1]
April 5
  • Bishop John "Minchio", [domkop] elected as Pope Benedictus X. [1]


May 23
  • Henri I crowns his son compassionate King Philip I of France. [1]


April 24
  • Halley's Comet sparks English monk to predict country'll be destroyed. [1]


April 1
  • Body of bishop Eleutherius of Blandain moved to Doornik. [1]
April 30
  • German King Henry IV gives away Utrecht county of West Friesland. [1]
(month unknown)
  • In Chang-chou, China, a daytime fireball and meteorite fall is observed. [521]


April 12
  • Pilgrims under bishop Günther of Bamberg reach Jerusalem. [1]
December 27
  • Ferdinand I the Great, king of Castile, dies. [1]
December 28
  • Westminster Abbey opens in London. [1]


January 5
  • Edward the Confessor, king of England, names brother-in-law Harold Godwinson as heir. [353.10]
  • Edward de Belijder the Confessor, king of England (1043-66), dies. [1]
January 6
  • King Harald of England crowned. [1]
March 23
  • 18th recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet. [1]
July 18
  • Death of St. Answer by stoning in far north of German area (born about 1035); Benedictine monk. [37]
September 25
  • Battle of Stamford Bridge: King Harold II defeats Harold Hardrada of Norway, who dies in battle. [353.10]
September 28
  • William the Conqueror lands in England. [1]
October 14
  • Battle of Hastings, in which William (the Conqueror) of Normandy wins England. King Harold Godwin is killed in battle by an arrow. [1] [353.10] [832.2]
December 25
  • William the Conqueror, crowned king of England in Westminster Abbey. [1] [353.10]


December 24
  • Godfried II with the Beard, duke of Neder-Lutherans, dies. [1]


June 4
  • Roquefort cheese created in a cave near Roquefort, France. [1]


February 22
  • Arnulf III earl of Flanders/Hainault (Arnulf I), dies in battle. [1]
  • Battle of Cassel-Robert I the Frisian defeats Arnulf III/I. [1]


January 10
  • Robert Guiscard conquers Palermo. [1]
March 16
  • Adalbert archbishop of Bremen-Hamburg, dies. [1]


April 21
  • Alexander II [Anselmo da Baggio] Pope (1061-73), dies. [1]
April 22
  • Pope Alexander II buried/Ildebrando chosen as Pope Gregory VII. [1]
December 20
  • Domingo Spanish monastery founder/abbot/saint, dies. [1]


August 2
  • John VIII Xiphilinus theologian/patriarch of Constantinople, dies. [1]


January 1
  • The Holy Roman Emperor, Heinrich IV, persuades 26 bishops to refuse obedience to the Pope. [37]
January 24
  • The Holy Roman Emperor writes a letter to Pope Gregory VII condemning him as a usurper of the papacy. [1] [37]
February 14
  • Pope Gregory VII excommunicates Henry IV. [1]
February 22
  • Godfried III with the Hump, duke of Lower Lorraine, murdered. [1]
April 27
  • Willem bishop of Utrecht (1054-76), murderer of earl Floris I, dies. [1]


January 21
  • German King Heinrich IV petitions Pope Gregory VII for forgiveness. [1]
January 28
  • Pope Gregory VII pardons German emperor Heinrich IV. [1]
March 1
  • Imperial diet removes Heinrich IV as Kaiser and subsequently elects Rudolf von Schwaben. [37]
April 24
  • Geza I King of Hungary (1074-7), dies. [1]
December 14
  • Agnes of Poitou German empress/wife of emperor Henry III, dies. [1]


February 22
  • Johannes van Fécamp Italian mystic writer, dies. [1]
  • John of Fécamp Italian mystic writer, dies. [1]


March 6
  • Omar ibn Ibrahim al-Chajjam completes Jalali-calendar. [1]
March 16
  • Iran adopts solar Hijrah calendar. [1]
May 9
  • Stanislaus Polish bishop of Cracow, murdered. [1]


April 4
  • Alexius I Comnenus occupies Byzantine throne. [1]


May 12
  • Battle at Mailberg: Vratislav II of Bohemia beats Leopold II of Austria. [1]


March 31
  • Anti-pope Clemens crowns German emperor Hendrik IV. [1]


May 6
  • King Alfonso VI of León conquered Toledo, dies. [1]
May 25
  • Gregory VII [Ildebrando] Pope (1073-85), dies. [1]
  • King Alfonso VI of Castily/León occupy Toledo on Moren. [1]


May 24
  • Abbott Dauferio/Desiderius becomes Pope Victor III. [1]


May 30
  • German emperor Henry IV crowns his son Koenraad. [1]
September 9
  • William I The Conqueror, King of England, and Duke of Normandy, dies. [1]


January 6
  • Berengarius of Tours French theologist, dies. [1]


April 28
  • Dirk de Grote bishop of Verdun/Basel/archbishop of Trier, dies. [1]
May 28
  • Lanfrance Archbishop of Canterbury, dies. [1]


October 6
  • Death of St. Adalbero von Würzburg (born about 1010 in Austria); Bishop of Würzburg (1045). [37]


April 29
  • Battle at Monte Levunium Emperor Alexius I beats Petshegenes. [1]
May 31
  • Hendrik van Verdun bishop of Luik (1075-91), dies. [1]


May 9
  • Lincoln Cathedral is consecrated in England. [1] [5] [241.9]


July 14
  • Death of St. Ulrich von Zell in the Black Forest (born 1029 in Regensburg (Germany)). [37]


February 25
  • Council of Rockingham bishop Anselmus versus King William II Rufus. [1]
November 27
  • Pope Urban II orders first Crusade, calling all Christians in Europe to war against Muslims in order to reclaim the Holy Land. [1] [129]


May 18
  • Crusaders massacre Jews of Worm. [1]


February 10
  • Crusaders defeat Prince Redwan of Aleppo at Antioch. [1]
June 3
  • Christian Crusaders seize Antioch, Turkey. [1]
December 12
  • First Crusaders capture and plunder Mara Syria. [1]


January 6
  • Henry V crowned German king. [1]
January 13
  • Crusaders set fire to Mara Syria. [1]
January 28
  • First Crusaders begins siege of Hosn-el-Akrad Syria. [1]
April 14
  • Conrad bishop of Utrecht, stabbed to death. [1]
August 19
  • Crusaders beat Saracens in Battle of Ascalon. [1]

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